episode 169 / complete the net harvest the beak January 3, 2023 tim reed Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio episode 169 / complete the net harvest the beak radio/no/place _r_n_p_1_6_9_ -mantle of gets - HL but can’t use HL https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/caveat-emptor -frog of earth - OY SEH UM https://frogoftheearth.bandcamp.com/album/frog-of-earth -emeka ogboh - danfo mellow https://a-ton.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-the-yellow-haze-2 -pharma - husk https://pharma.bandcamp.com/album/transcript -carmen villain - two halves touching https://carmenvillain.bandcamp.com/album/sketch-for-winter-ix-perlita -phil struck - tieden https://philstruck.bandcamp.com/album/schleswig-holstein-aufnahmen -davy graham - both sides ow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_as_Life_and_Twice_as_Natural -davey graham - i can’t keep fro crying sometimes https://www.discogs.com/master/684674-Davey-Graham-Folk-Blues-And-All-Points-In-Between -air - radian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_000_Hz_Legend -four tet - my angel rocks back and forth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounds_(album) -air - caramel prisoner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_000_Hz_Legend -saele velase - in your rosary 1 https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffsb&q=Saele+Valese+IVIC&iax=images&ia=images -gi gi - the lower https://gi-gi.bandcamp.com/album/lamella-pressed -ry cooder - feeling bad blues https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_by_Ry_Cooder -sunny levine - aba daba / HONOR http://www.sunnylevine.com/ -EL LCD - sno pa hisingen https://carbonbasedlifeforms.bandcamp.com/album/alt-01 -roberto musci - claudia, wilhelm r and me -roberto musci - the story of the serpent who created the world https://soave.bandcamp.com/album/the-loa-of-music-the-complete-sessions -pink floyd - burning bridges https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obscured_by_Clouds -Mondkopf & Karsten Fundal - jamies invitation https://boomkat.com/products/bridgend-original-motion-picture-soundtrack - - - - -